Praxis für Akupunktur und TCM
Praxis für Akupunktur und TCM

We often underestimate the self-healing powers of our body...


Who am I?


My name is Zhuolin Zhang and I was born in ZheJiang, China in 1969. From 1991 to 1999 I studied Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture at the TCM-University ZheJiang where I was awarded my diploma in 1999.After that I worked there as a lecturer until 2002 and then went to TCM-hospital Tianjing. I have been living in Germany since 2003. From 2007 to 2011 I worked in Germany as a TCM specialist for many practices. Since August 2011 I am a state-approved alternative practitioner. In June 2012 I opened my practice for Traditional Chinese Medicine in Koblenz-Rübenach.


What is Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)?


Traditional Chinese Medicine is a form of naturopathy that has been practised in China for more than 3000 years and is evolving constantly. It contains a variety of therapeutic methods. In Traditional Chinese Medicine diseases are never examined in isolation, but always in a greater context. Not only the symptoms, but also the causes for the medical condition are 

What is acupuncture?


Acupuncture as a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine is a cure that has been established for more than 3000 years. The human body has  361 points on 14 so- called prime meridians. During treatment needles are applied to individually different points. With this  stimulation (also via cupping or moxibustion) your own body's regulative forces can be triggered, thus enabling the body to help itself. The intention is to  prevent, stabilize and heal diseases.

What is cupping?


The cups are hemispheric glasses, that are put on the skin while applying suction.Cupping is a traditional healing method, which can be used with great success against many diseases and medical conditions without the need for pharmaceuticals.


That's how you start TCM-Therapy:


  1. We start with a detailed conversation (anamnesis), in which you describe your condition and we define our goal.
  2. In addition, I apply other diagnostic methods like Chinese pulse- or tongue-diagnostics in order to confirm my diagnosis.
  3. Following that I establish your personal therapy plan.
  4. Usually most intensive treatments consist of 10-12 sessions of acupuncture over a course of 3 to 4 weeks. These are accompanied by herbal treatment. In the end, individual diagnosis decides about each patient's therapy plan. Here it is also crucial whether we are dealing with medical conditions and diseases that are chronic or acute.
  5. Nutritional counselling should accompany the treatment.
  6. You need a recipe for Chinese Herbal Therapy. I choose and dose 10 to 20 different plants from more than 500 species of the most commonly used medicinal herbs for you. I adjust this mixture individually to you and fit it to the course of the therapy. 

I offer you the following treatments:


  • Chinese Herbal Medicine
  • Acupuncture
  • Ear-Acupuncture
  • Cupping
  • Moxibustion
  • TuiNa-Massage (for children)
  • TCM nutritional counselling  


Indications of TCM


Billing according to fees regulation of the “Heilpraktikers GebüH”  private insurance or self-paying


patientsappointments by prior arrangement (over the phone from 9.30 am)




Zhuolin Zhang

Pionierhöhe 31a

56075  Koblenz-Karthause

Telefon:  +49 261 973 757 49

Telefax:  +49 261 973 239 76




Sehr geehrte Patienten,

vom 23.12.24-01.01.25 sind wir im Praxisurlaub.  Ab dem 02.01.2025 sind wir wieder für Sie da.





Sehr geehrte Interessenten / Neupatienten, aufgrund von aktuell starkem Neupatientenaufkommen, bitten wir Sie um Verständnis, dass wir derzeit nur Privatpatienten neu aufnehmen können.

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senden Sie uns gerne eine E-Mail mit den folgenden Daten:


• Name, Vorname

• Adresse

• Geburtsdatum

• Versicherungsstatus

• Handy-/Telefonnummer



Sobald möglich, melden wir uns bei Ihnen mit einem Terminvorschlag für die Anamnese.







Zhuolin Zhang

Pionierhöhe 31a

56075  Koblenz-Karthause

Telefon:  +49 261-973 757 49

Telefax:  +49 261-973 239 76





Termine nach Vereinbarung


Abrechnung nach Gebührengrundlage
des Heilpraktikers GebüH.
Privatkasse oder Selbstzahler.

Die IKK Südwest

übernimmt einen Teil

der Behandlungskosten.





Montag - Freitag

Vormittag: 07:40 - 12:00 


Montag & Mittwoch

Nachmittag: 14:40 - 17:20




Parkplätze befinden sich vor der Praxis.

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© Praxis für Akupunktur und traditionelle chinesische Heilkunde, Koblenz